Academic Competitions

A range of initiatives designed to familiarise students with the world of business

Business Case Competition

CUNEF Business Case Competition (BCC) is an initiative aimed at helping our students gain a better understanding of the world of business, giving them the chance to see first-hand how the knowledge acquired in class helps them analyse and solve current real-world problems.

The competition is based on the case method, which combines theory and practice using a real-life business situation. Each event focuses on a case chosen specifically for the occasion, and students work hand in hand with the company selected for each edition, making the experience a true reflection of a current, real-world situation.

The partner company contributes greatly to enriching the learning experience.

Participants face the challenge of solving a real-life case under very similar conditions to those that they will encounter as professionals in the future.

Additionally, finalist teams will have to present their proposals to a jury made up of executives from the partner company and CUNEF professors, allowing them to experience the kind of pressure they will repeatedly have to deal with throughout their careers.