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CUNEF Universidad hosts the presentation of the book 'Regulación y crisis bancarias recientes'

December 15, 2023

Last 13 December, the Great Hall of CUNEF Universidad hosted the presentation of Regulación y crisis bancarias recientes. Reflexiones y retos futuros (Regulation and recent banking crises. Reflections and future challenges). This book is a personal analysis by Francisco Uría, Professor at CUNEF Universidad, State Attorney on leave of absence and PhD in Law. The book focuses on the evolution of banking regulations in the aftermath of the latest crises. 

After Professor Uría’s presentation, an expert panel discussed the responses to the different crises. Participants agreed that regulations must aim to make Europe more competitive and pointed to regulatory simplification, digitalisation and innovation as the most relevant challenges on the regulatory agenda. The panel included Gloria Hervás, Public Policy Director at Banco Santander, Santiago Fernández de Lis, Global Head of Regulatory at BBVA, and Manuel Galarza, Head of Control, Compliance and Public Affairs at Caixabank.

The closing speech was delivered by the Deputy Governor of Banco de España, Margarita Delgado, who went over the regulatory advances of recent years, the progress made in Europe, and the challenges for the future. The deputy governor highlighted two conclusions:

  • Regulation and supervision have been adapted and adjusted over the years, depending on the needs and shortcomings identified in successive crises.
  • We need to monitor the changes in our environment to ensure that the mechanism formed by traditional financial institutions, new technological ecosystems, regulators, and supervisors works efficiently to guarantee financial stability.