Seminars and other activities

CUNEF Universidad is committed to research as a means of transferring knowledge and promotes the exchange of ideas and projects with other well-established professors and schools through seminars, workshops and other discussion forums.


06/9/202312:00Deniz KattwinkelUNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON (UCL)Optimal Decision Mechanisms for Juries: Acquitting the Guilty
19/09/202313:15Timo SholUNIVERSITAT POMPEU FABRADo Firms Proactively Build Internal Markets for Redeployment? Evidence from a Natural Experiment
20/9/202313:15Jan StuhlerUNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRIDIntergenerational Mobility and Assortative Mating in the US
26/09/202313:15Patrick VorstMAASTRICHT UNIVERSITYThe Informativeness of Balance Sheet Disaggregations: Evidence from Forecasting Operating Assets
27/09/202313:10Caterina CalsamigliaINSTITUTE OF POLITICAL ECONOMY AND GOVERNANCEThe design of university entrance exams and its implications for gender gaps
03/10/202313:15Martina BattistiGRENOBLE ECOLE DE MANAGEMENTStrategies for transforming sustainability orientation into performance: A configurational perspective
04/10/202313:10Erik SnowbergDAVID ECCLES SCHOOL OF BUSINESS (UNIVERSITY OF UTAH)Valuing the Time of the Self-Employed
10/10/202313:15Vicente BermejoESADEGovernment Arrears and Corporate Decisions: Lessons from a Natural Experiment
17/10/202313:15Thorsten BeckEUROPEAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTEInformation Sharing Access to Finance, Loan Contract Design and the Labour Market  
18/10/202313:15Sebastian DoerrBANK FOR INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTSPrivacy Regulation and Fintech Lending
24/10/202313:15David WehrheimIESE BUSINESS SCHOOLInstitutional Ownership and Corporate Scientific Research
07/11/202313:15Jörg StahlCATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF LISBONDo firms benefit from participating in the World Economic Forum?
08/11/202313:15Pilar Nogues-MarcoUNIVERSITY OF GENEVANear-Money in History: Cryptocurrencies versus Bills of Exchange
Rob Corless
WESTERN ONTARIOThe fractal eigenvector
14/11/202313:15Markus SimethCOPENHAGEN BUSINESS SCHOOLBoard Independence and Markets for Technology
15/11/202313:10Stephan HeblichMUNK SCHOOL OF GLOBAL AFFAIRS & PUBLIC POLICY (UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO)Slavery and the British Industrial Revolution
Óscar Domínguez Bonilla
UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRIDSparse stability for Euler equations
22/11/202313:15Martin B. HolmUNIVERSITY OF OSLOAsset-Price Redistribution
Ananyo Dan
CUNEF UNIVERSIDAD Degeneration of topological spaces
29/11/202313:15David WeissTEL AVIV UNIVERSITYWomen's Liberation, Household Revolution
Irina ArévaloCUNEF UNIVERSIDAD Advances in Federated Learning
12/12/202313:15Antonio GarganoC.T. BAUSER COLLEGE OF BUSINESS / UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTONFighting Climate Change with FinTech
13/12/202313:15Minna PaunovaCOPENHAGEN BUSINESS SCHOOLFrom Heterogeneity to Inequality: How Nationality Diversity Affects Leadership Perceptions in Multinational Teams
David Trillo
CUNEF UNIVERSIDAD Backflow in the free 1D Schrödinger equation
19/12/202313:10Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis
Universidad Autónoma de BarcelonaA Quantitative Theory of the HIV Epidemic: Education, Risky Sex and Asymmetric Learning
Abel GuadaCUNEF UNIVERSIDADOptimal stopping of Gauss-Markov processes
Rafael SendraCUNEF UNIVERSIDAD Parametrization Algorithms for Algebraic Curves and Surfaces: theory, methods and applications
Leandro Marín Muñoz
UNIVERSIDAD DE MURCIAWhite box cryptography: The last line of defense
02/02/202413:10Philip Oreopoulos
University of Toronto
Teaching Teachers to Use Computer Assisted Learning for Facilitating Personalized Learning at Scale: Experimental and Non-Experimental Evidence
13/03/202413:00Micael Castanheira
Do public goods actually reduce inequality?
20/03/202413:15Joana Naritomi
LSETwo-tier Tax systems and firms: Evidence from Brazil
04/04/202413:15Siqi Wei
IE UniversityIncome, Employment and Health Risks of Older Workers
09/04/202413:00Margarita Machelett
Banco de EspañaGender gaps in financial literacy: a multi-arm RCT to break the response bias in surveys
10/04/202413:00Roberto Galbiati 
CNRSScience under Inquisition: The allocation of talent in early modern Europe
16/04/202413:00Leonidas Barbopoulos
University of Edinburgh
The Real Effects of Dark Trading
17/04/202413:30María Hernández de Benito
University of Alicante
Firstborn Girls and Family Structure: Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa
23/04/202413:00Annita Florou
Bocconi University
 State Control, Related-Party Transactions and Audit Reporting: Evidence from Key Audit Matters
24/04/202413:10Helios Herrera
Warwick University
Alternative Worldviews, Distrust, and Populism
08/05/202413:00Antoine Loeper
Legislative Priorities and the Structure of Government
16/05/202413:00 Jorge de la Roca
University of Southern California
Skills allocation and urban amenities in the developing world
21/05/202413:00Neil Pearson
University of Illinois
Does Market Selection Eliminate Unskilled Investors? Evidence from Chinese Brokerage Account Records
28/05/202413:00Simon Dekeyser
KU Leuven University
Audit Firm Differentiation through Intellectual Property as a Means to Soften Price Competition
04/06/202413:00Pedro Saffi
University of Cambridge
Product Complexity, Investor Experience, and Returns